"Psychotherapy in Africa: Working toward Mental Health and Wellness in Modern Africa"
in Johannesburg, South Africa
The 10th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Affective Disorders will take place November 14-16 in London, United Kingdom. This is a unique multidisciplinary forum for colleagues from around the world to meet and discuss a variety of topics, generating stimulating debates and fruitful collaborations. Join leading experts and other allied healthcare professionals for this outstanding opportunity to take part in educational sessions and networking opportunities.
The 19th World Congress of Psychiatry (WCP 2019) will take place August 21-24 in Lisbon, Portugal. This is a unique multidisciplinary forum for colleagues from around the world to meet and discuss a variety of topics, generating stimulating debates and fruitful collaborations. Join leading experts and other allied healthcare professionals for this outstanding opportunity to take part in educational sessions and networking opportunities.
The conference will focus on the health of women in Asia, which is increasingly threatened by poverty, discrimination, violence, and other challenges to physical and psychological well-being.
These challenges have to be approached by interdisciplinary strategies integrating mental health, general medicine and gynecology, legal and social research and interventions.
Recent research as well as intervention models developed in Asia, by international expert groups, organizations and service providers will be the special focus of the conference.
We will offer a limited number of scholarships for students and participants from the Asian region to enhance networking and offer low barrier access to the conference, that will be partly covered by the general participation fees – a sign of solidarity.
Link: www.icwvh-in-asia.org
PTW Symposium
Das Direktstudium der Psychotherapie – Erfahrungen, Chancen, Bedenken und Zukunftsperspektiven für Europa
9. November 2018 | 16 bis 20 Uhr | SFU Berlin (Campus Tempelhof)
Die Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität (SFU) ist eine humanwissenschaftliche Privatuniversität und bietet das europaweit erste Vollstudium der Psychotherapie (Bachelor/Master/Doktorat/ Habilitation) an. Das Studium der Psychotherapiewissenschaft, das Forschung und Lehre miteinander verbindet, theoretische Kenntnisse und praktische Fertigkeiten vermittelt, steht in Form einer Direktausbildung zum Psychotherapeuten auch in Deutschland im Rahmen der Novellierung des Psychotherapeutengesetzes vor der Türe. Der Arbeitsentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Reform der Psychotherapeutenausbildung des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit steht wegweisend, nachhaltig und paradigmatisch für die Entwicklungen des Faches zur eigenständigen akademischen Disziplin in ganz Europa.
Im Rahmen des PTW Symposiums sollen die Erfahrungen, Chancen, Bedenken und Zukunftsperspektiven der europäischen Ausbildungssituation behandelt werden und die Expertise einschlägiger Ausbildungsforschung eingebracht werden. Die Weiterentwicklung eines neuen Heilberufs, der neue Kompetenzkreise mit sich bringt, ist im Entstehen.
Anmeldung unter
office@sfu-berlin.de |
Zum Event
Eintritt frei
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. h.c.mult. Alfred Pritz, Rektor SFU Wien Berlin Paris Linz Ljubljana Milano
Organisation: Dr. Katharina Reboly, Direktorin SFU Berlin
Zertifizierung: Bei der Psychotherapeutenkammer Berlin für Fortbildungspunkte (FE) eingereicht
Dear Sir / Madam,
On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 3rd World Conference on Personality to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 2-6 April, 2019.
This conference will bring together personality psychologists and psychologists with an interest in personality from the various regions of the world to fully display the different perspectives on personality as pursued in different cultures, to stimulate further cooperation across the cultural borders, and to facilitate the commencement of new research-lines in the field.
For more information on the conference:
For topics information to:
We kindly request if you could consider supporting our conference by placing the banner on your website, distributing our newsletter to your members and/or send promotional material to your upcoming events.
We will be happy if you would bring a group to the conference and will most certainly work out a discounted rate for you.
In exchange, we would be pleased to publish your logo on our website and keep you informed on the status of the event via a monthly newsletter
I look forward to hearing from you and to provide further information.
Thank you
Kind regards
Zandra Langenhoven
Marketing Executive
Last three weeks - Apply for ECOSOC consultative status now in order to be considered by the 2019 NGO Committee (Deadline: 1 June 2018 - Late submissions will not be accepted)
1 June 2018 is the last day for Non-Governmental Organizations to apply for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in order to have an opportunity to take part in UN deliberations. ECOSOC consultative status is governed by ECOSOC resolution 1996/31, which outlines the eligibility requirements for consultative status, rights and obligations of NGOs in consultative status, procedures for the withdrawal or suspension of consultative status, the role and functions of the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs, and the responsibilities of the UN Secretariat in supporting the consultative relationship. Consultative status is granted by ECOSOC upon recommendation of the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs, which is composed by Member States.
Who is eligible for applying?
Consultative relationships may be established with international, regional, sub regional and national non-governmental, non-profit public or voluntary organizations. NGOs affiliated to an international organization already in status may be admitted provided that they can demonstrate that their programme of work has direct relevance to the aims and purposes of the United Nations.
To be eligible for consultative status, an NGO must have been in existence (officially registered with the appropriate government authorities as an NGO/non-profit) for at least two years, must have an established headquarters, a democratically adopted constitution, authority to speak for its members, a representative structure, appropriate mechanisms of accountability and democratic and transparent decision-making processes. The basic resources of the organization must be derived in the main part from contributions of the national affiliates or other components or from individual members.
What are the benefits?
NGOs that are accredited with ECOSOC can participate in a number of events, including, but not limited to regular sessions of ECOSOC, its functional commissions and its other subsidiary bodies. NGOs may:
• Attend official meetings;
• Submit written statements prior to sessions;
• Make oral statements;
• Meet official government delegations and other NGO representatives;
• Organize and attend parallel events that take place during the session;
• Participate in debates, interactive dialogues, panel discussions and informal meetings.
Organizations established by governments or intergovernmental agreements are not considered NGOs.
The Conference deliberations will be on the following themes:
• Applying Family Based Psychotherapy
• Integrating approaches to a more comprehensive perspective on family based psychotherapy
• Understanding the significance of culturally bound mental health problems
This Conference will examine research and development both locally and internationally.
The congress will include topics from different fields of psychology, such as: Innovation in Clinical Practice, Strategies of Psychotherapeutic Intervention, Epistemology, Methodology, Training and Supervision of Therapists, among others. The topics will be approached from the perspective of different theoretical models of scientific basis, which will undoubtedly be enriching for our clinical practice.
The congress will particularly feature the attendance of Dr. Alfred Pritz, President of the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP), and other guests, such as Dr. Héctor Fernández-Álvarez, winner of the Sigmund Freud Award from the WCP, and other outstanding figures of psychotherapy from our region.
We kindly invite you to know more details of the Congress through the website
Dr. Kuriansky Teaches Children to Heal by Giving Back
Dr. Judy Kuriansky, internationally acclaimed psychologist, lead an Emotional Resiliency Workshop for Kids and Teens on Saturday, December 3rd, from 9am to noon at the Florida Boulevard Baptist Church. Dr. Kuriansky, a professor at Columbia University and a frequent guest commentator on CNN, recently held a similar workshop in Haiti, where thousands are attempting to recover from Hurricane Matthew.
As a part of her “Global Kids Project,” Dr. Judy, as she is lovingly called, brought with her little felt pillows that were made by the children in Haiti for the children in Baton Rouge.
During the workshop, felt pillows were then made by participants to be passed on to other children who have suffered from environmental trauma. One of the many lessons that Dr. Judy taught participants was the joy of healing through helping.
Participants also received a vocal tribute from “RILEE Bear,” via the voice of Dr. Charles Burchell, who taught ways to relax before bedtime in order to avoid nightmares of the flood. RILEE, whose name stands for “Relating in Love Every Evening,” told the children that “home is where our hearts are and that when our hearts are connected in love, we are safe.”
Dr. Kelly Ray, guest co-leader, offered a lesson in Matching Faces to Feelings, as is outlined in her book, “Helping Your Angry Child,” which was co-authored by Dr. Darlyne Nemeth, the Workshop Leader. The faces of RILEE Bear were used to help children identify feelings.
This special Emotional Resiliency Workshop was sponsored by the Louisiana Psychological Association (LPA) with guest co-leaders representing the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP).
Lunches for the December Workshops are being provided by Raising Cane’s. The November Workshop’s lunches were provided by The Jambalaya Shoppe.
In order to remember RILEE Bear’s lessons, all children received Beanie Baby Bears for Christmas.
Two more Kids and Teens Emotional Resiliency Workshops are planned for December 10th and 17tth. To register for these free and fun healing experiences, parents may sign their Kids/Teens up at
resiliencyworkshops@gmail.com or by calling 1-225-926-7799.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 8th World Congress for Psychotherapy that will be held in Paris, France from the 24th to the 28th of July 2017, at MAISON DE L’UNESCO.
Under the auspices of the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP), the congress is organized by the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (FFdP) with the collaboration of the French League for Mental Health and the Françoise Minkowska Center.
The Congress will take place over 5 days with 9 plenary lectures, 180 oral presentations of 20 minutes each, distributed over five halls, lecture theaters and workshops. Communication through posters will be presented in ongoing consultation by the participants. The scientific committee will select and arrange the presentations according to their thematic relevance. Congress languages include English, French, Russian, Spanish, German and Chinese.
Special Guest on Skype: Irvin Yalom, who will be interviewed by Alfred Pritz.
Call for papers
We would like to point to the fact that the call for papers is now open and invite and encourage you to register online at our Congress Website:
La Maison de l’UNESCO was chosen as the hosting residence for the Congress because this great place of «intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind» is well in line with the themes of universalism and humanitarian benevolence that the organizers wished topromote. It is near the Eiffel Tower and reveals a wonderful view on the historical side of Paris as well as at its prosperity of art.
We recommend an early booking of your accommodation in the city.
More Information
You can find further information on our Congress Website if you follow this link:
Alfred Pritz
President of the WCP
Pierre Canoui
President of the FFdP
Dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 8th world congress of psychotherapy that will be held in Paris, France from the 24th to the 28th of July 2017, at UNESCO house
This 8th congress of the World Council for Psychotherapy, that the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and its partners, the French League of Mental Health and the Minkowska Center,
have the great honor of organizing, is conceived within the exceptional framework of this century of globalization.
This global era questions our psychotherapeutic practices, their theoretical foundations and is also the meeting point between psychotherapy and different anthropological, sociological, epistemological, and ethical representations.
Sharing and exchanging both our hopes and our practices is the goal of this congress.
It will also aim to lay the foundations for a common ground for all future practices of listening to psychic suffering, psychological distress and psychiatric disorders of individuals.
The World Council for psychotherapy wants to take into account the rich history of the great changes that have affected mankind in his or her relation to the world,
so that we may engage in a global debate, above and beyond our respective national practices.
The aims of this congress focus on several paradigmatic axis:
- Life must remain stronger than destructive violence
- Love is always the foundation of our humanity and our interpersonal, social, and familial relations
- The fight against psychological distress and psychiatric illness is both a humane and ethical duty
- The exceptional meeting of many specialists in psychotherapy, from five continents is a humanistic necessity in order to include all the different types of psychotherapy
from all the modalities, so that there may be a rich exchange of experience and ideas.
Psychotherapy is recognized as an inevitable and effective way to treat mental disorders and alleviate the mental suffering of patients.
However, it is also an important determinant for the evolution of the human being and the human way of thinking.
Psychotherapy also contributes to the creation of social connection by releasing the individual from the fear of the other and also fear of him or herself.
Affirming our freedom, our identity, our values and the professionalism of our profession is also a powerful civic and political act in the current global context.
The Congress sub-themes and suggested topics can be found on Congress Topics
It is a pleasure to invite you to actively participate in the upcoming Congress, which is possible through several formats:
- Oral Presentation
- Workshop
- Poster
Ready To Submit Papers? You can apply solely via the congress web page until December 1st 2016
We are counting on your presence at this magnificent event and hope to see you at UNESCO house in Paris on July 24th to the 28th, 2017!
Dr. Pierre CANOUÏ
Président de la FF2P
Pr. Alfred PRITZ
Président du WCP
• Psychotherapy Training.
• Psychotherapy Schools.
• Psychotherapy Research.
• Psychotherapy in Hospitals.
• Psychotherapy in Schools.
• Psychotherapy in Rehabilitation Centres.
• Psychotherapy and Religion.
• Psychotherapy and Counselling.
• Psychotherapy and Private Practices.
• Psychotherapy, Arts, and Society.
• Psychotherapy and Traditional Healing.
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli Campus, Nigeria.
PROF. A. ZAMANI – Psychotherapy in Hospitals.
PROF. P. EBIGBO – Harmony Restoration Therapy.
PROF. C. OFOVWE – Meseron Therapy.
School of Psychotherapy and Health Sciences, Okija Campus, Ihiala L.G.A, Anambra State, Nigeria.
PHONE: 08027621067; CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Paschal Officha.
REGISTRATION: Onsite full registration: N30.000. Students: N10,000.
All abstract should be sent through the following email: info@sphs.com.ng, psychotherapyandhealth@gmail.com.
Each abstract should contain the title of the article, name and contact information of the author(s) including email address, detailed abstract not exceeding two hundred (200) words and maximum of five key words.
Deadline: 30th Sept. 2016.
It is envisaged that full articles (not exceeding 20 typed pages, double spacing or 5000 words) submitted by authors will be peer reviewed and published in the madden issue of “International Journal for Psychotherapy in Africa”.
Publication fee will be announced later. The articles should be sent to the same email address: info@sphs.com.ng
CHAPTER: The World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP) Nigerian Chapter will be inaugurated during this conference.
Kojak Hotel & Suites (Two minutes’ drive away):
Tel. 09081305537, 08112694765; Nwim Dreams Palace Hotels (One minute drive away): Tel: 08135176802, 08135211501. Rooms range from N 4,000 to N 15,000.
Mr. Paschal Officha (Secretary: LOC). Prof. S. N. Madu (Chairman: LOC)
The 66th United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Conference held in the City of Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, from 30 May to 1 June 2016 is over and we are very happy, thankful and proud of our dear members, who attended this event to represent the World Council for Psychotherapy.
We appreciate the commitment of Dr. Stephen Myler, Dr. Ana de Sousa Baptista and Dr. Shahram Dehbozorgi.
Conference Photos: Click here to see the photos sent by Dr. Shahram - Dehbozorgi.
Please feel free to read the wonderful and informative
Conference Reports here:
Submitted by
* Darlyne G. Nemeth, Ph.D., M.P., M.P.A.P., Co-Secretary General
* Kelly Paulk Ray, Ph.D., M.P.A.P., Vice President, United States Chapter
* Judy Kuriansky, Ph.D., Main representative of WCP to the UN
Report on the workshop by Darlyne G. Nemeth
Dear colleagues and friends,
we are happy to announce
Joseph Knobel Freud
as an
Honorary Member of the World Council for Psychotherapy
due to his outstanding performance in the field of psychotherapy.
Much Appreciation,
the World Council for Psychotherapy
Dear colleagues and friends,
we are happy to announce
Dr. José T. Thomé
as an
Honorary Member of the World Council for Psychotherapy
due to his outstanding performance in the field of psychotherapy.
Much Appreciation,
the World Council for Psychotherapy
Board Report 2014: Abbas Makke, Machreque |
44,9 KB |
Board Report 2014: Anthony Korner, Australia |
49,7 KB |
Board Report 2014: Darlyne Nemeth & Kelly Ray, USA |
306,2 KB |
Board Report 2014: Edward Chan, Malaysia |
56,8 KB |
Board Report 2014: Ganesh Shankar, India |
68,2 KB |
Board Report 2014: Gloria Mulcahy, Canada |
94,2 KB |
Board Report 2014: Judy Kuriansky, UN Representative |
119,3 KB |
Board Report 2014: Kamal Raddaoui, Morocco |
34,3 KB |
Board Report 2014: Mingyi Qian & Zhao Xudong, China |
82,7 KB |
Board Report 2014: Mohammad Khodayarifard, Iran |
46,8 KB |
Board Report 2014: Nicole Aknin, France |
64,6 KB |
Board Report 2014: Roy Bowden, New Zealand |
92,8 KB |
Board Report 2014: Victor Makarov, Russia |
61,2 KB |

in Cooperation with UNESCO, FF2P, Minkoswka Institut, Paris
Topic: Life and Love in the 21st Century
When: 24th to 28th of July 2017
Where: UNESCO in Paris
Congress languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese
Information for Details: Tamara Trebes,
Dear colleagues,
In the name of the World Council for Psychotherapy I want to invite you to this outstanding event in 2017. Please don’t hesitate to send us your suggestions and comments for the upcoming World Congress.
Yours sincerely,
Alfred Pritz
President of the World Council for Psychotherapy
A special English Summer program
- From July 15th to 27th 2013.
Academic program: How Freud’s and Jung’s visions are applied through
“Psychopathology in everyday life” (S. Freud) and how the experiences of
Jung’s theory bring coherence in the practice of psychotherapy.
Note: WCP is a co-sponsor of the attached statement about Contributions of Psychology to the Eradication of Poverty, in honor of the United Nations International Day of Poverty Eradication.
Please note, and distribute to members, constituencies and stakeholders.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
This year, the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty will be observed on Wednesday, 17 October, to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and destitution worldwide. The observance was established in 1993 and poverty reduction and elimination has emerged as a global priority in UN-wide planning for sustainable development to 2015 and beyond.
Consistent with the theme for this year, Working Together Out Of Poverty, the Psychology Coalition has prepared a statement for distribution entitled: Psychological Contributions to the Eradication of Poverty. Please distribute the statement to your various listservs at the UN and beyond.
The commemorative program for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty will take place on Wednesday, at 2:30 in the ECOSOC Chamber of the North Lawn Building. We would greatly appreciate if some of you would volunteer to print copies of the statement to distribute at the program. Please email to let me know if you plan to attend so that we can determine how many copies of the statement you will need.
All the best,
Corann Okorodudu, Chair of the Psychology Coalition
Professor Emeritus of Psychology & Africana Studies, Rowan University
UN/NGO Rep, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Contact: okorodudu@rowan.edu
Psychological Contributions To The Eradication Of Poverty Submitted on the occasion of the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 17 October 2012, North Lawn Building, Conference Room 2, United Nations, NY.
Co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association, Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention, International Association of Applied Psychology, International Council of Psychologists, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, International Union of Psychological Science, Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, World Council for Psychotherapy, World Federation for Mental Health and other members of the Psychology Coalition at the United Nations |
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The Lebanese Syndicate of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts (SPP) is a non-profit
organization formed in April 2008 in Beirut to provide accreditation, standards of
practice, professional identity, and self-regulation for psychotherapy professionals.

The interconnectedness of the modern world has resulted in an expansion of the horizon of awareness of individuals and communities. This has given rise to the phenomenon that has become known as “the global village”. The world has moved beyond the colonial era and its false beliefs about the superiority of one group of humans over another. We are a long way, however, from appropriate recognition and communicative exchange across the many cultural and geographic divides that shape the richness and diversity of humanity.
Group Interventions for Disaster/Trauma Anniversary Reactions
Nemeth, D.1, Kuriansky, J.2 , Olivier, T.1, Whittington, L.1, May, N.1, Hamilton, J.1, Steger, A.1Neuropsychology Center of Louisiana, LLC 1 and Columbia University 2
Returning to Katrina - Bringing Hurricane Katrina Research Back to the Community
University of Southern Mississippi – Center for Policy and ResilienceLong Beach, Mississippi
June 4-5, 2010
We are currently working hard to give the World Council for Psychotherapy a completely new website.
Major features of the new website: * easy-to-read layout * contents can be added quickly * coming soon: search-engine optimization
Please note that this website is work in progress and will be updated constantly. |  Univ.Prof.Dr. Alfred Pritz President of the WCP
5th International Conference Of World Council For Psychotherapy (Asian Chapter)
4th International Conference Of Yoga And Psychotherapy Association Of India

Discurso presentado en la conferencia anual de las Naciones Unidas, en Nueva York, el 7 de Septiembre del 2005, por los delegados de la WCP , el profesor Dr. Jose T. Thome de Brasil, y el Sr. Guillermo Garrido de Venezuela.
Titulo: Introduciendo una vision practica y holistica de los derechos humanos desde una perspectiva diferente : La perspectiva psicoterapeutica.
Speech presented at the United Nations annual conference in New York, September 7, 2005 by WCP delegates to the UN, Professor José T. Thomé, M.D from Brazil and Guillermo Garrido, M.D, from Venezuela.
Title: Introducing A Holistic and Practical Vision of Human Rights from different Perspectives: the Psychotherapy Perspective
JCP online: The first Psychotherapists with the Japanese Certificate for Psychotherapy can now be found online.
13th congress of the European Association for Psychotherapy, Vilnius, Lithuania, (July 6th to 10th) Registration: info@eap2005.Vilnius.vu.lt
4th World Congress for Psychotherapy, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(August 27th to 30th)
14th congress of the European Association for Psychotherapy, London, Great Britain (July 13th to 16th, 2006)
3rd congress of the Asian Association for Psychotherapy in Tokyo, Japan
(August 28th to September 1st)
6th congress of the Latin American Federation for Psychotherapy, Panama City,Panama
4th congress of the Asian Association for Psychotherapy, Moscow, Russia
7th congress of the Latin American Association for Psychotherapy, Lima, Peru
5th World Congress for Psychotherapy, Beijing,China
5th congress of the Asian Association for Psychotherapy, Kathmandu, Nepal
6th World Congress for Psychotherapy, Sydney, Australia or Durban, South Africa (proposed, to be confirmed by the board of the WCP in 2005)
It will be a pleasure for the organisers to be your host in our global network!
Sincerely yours,
Alfred Pritz
President WCP
"Psychotherapy in Asia"
November 12-15, 2003 in New Delhi, India
Invitation letter - Schedule - Topics - Registration Form