10th World Congress for Psychotherapy (WCP) „Polarities of Life“ 16th – 19th July 2025 at SFU Vienna

The theme of the 10th World Congress for Psychotherapy is Polarities of Life, which seeks to explore the opposing forces that shape human experience and how they impact mental health and wellbeing.

LIVE EVENT: We invite you to join us in Vienna for what promises to be an inspiring and thought-provoking event. The World Congress for Psychotherapy (WCP 2025) will be an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the complexities of the human experience and to learn about the latest advances in psychotherapy and mental health care. We look forward to welcoming you to Vienna in 2025!

ONLINE EVENT: Participants will also have the opportunity to network with colleagues from around the world, forming new collaborations and connections that will benefit their work and research in the years to come.

The congress will bring together leading experts from various fields of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, neuroscience, and philosophy to share their insights and exchange ideas.

It will provide an opportunity for professionals and researchers to learn about the latest advances in psychotherapy and mental health care.

The congress will include plenary sessions, workshops, and symposia covering a wide range of topics related to mental health and psychotherapy.

WCP Congress 2025 will take place at Sigmund Freund Private University in Vienna.


9th World Congress in Moscow has to be cancelled

Dear Board Members, Members of the Organizing Committee and participants,

it is with great regret that we have to announce that the 9th World Congress in Moscow has to be cancelled.

Intense discussions were held. Just one Board Member voted to hold the congress this year in Moscow. Everyone who wanted to participate in the World Congress and paid for it to the WCP headoffice will get the fee refunded.

Nevertheless the Russian colleagues will held an International congress in originally planned dates of June, 23-26, 2022. The organizer will be the Russian umbrella organization (PPL).

In addition, we may inform you that the10th World Congress will take place as already announced and planned in Vienna (Austria, Europe) in July, 16-19, 2025 at the Sigmund Freud University (SFU).

With kind regards,

Alfred Pritz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alfred Pritz   
President of the World Council for Psychotherapy

Viktor Makarov
Prof.Dr.Viktor Makarov
President of the Russian Psychotherapeutic League (PPL)


The World Council for Psychotherapy calls upon the Russian Government to immediately cease the invasion of Ukraine; stop the war; respect the law of nations; and bring back all Russian troops and weapons to their home country.
It is our view as Psychotherapists that a military invasion never solves problems, and never achieves its intended aims. Instead it creates immense damage, and causes destruction on many levels which can reverberate through the generations. This includes the personal suffering and deep trauma of both families and individuals at somatic, mental and emotional levels. Psychotherapists are committed to peaceful negotiation, dialogue and debate in conflict resolution, and we condemn war and violence. We call upon the Russian Government to stop the war, and establish peace through diplomacy in a thoughtful and mutually respectful manner.
We hope that the highest principles of the human spirit will prevail, and with all our hearts we wish that a resolution can be found which will restore freedom.


Всемирный совет по психотерапии призывает Правительство Российской Федерации прекратить вторжение в Украину; прекратить войну; проявить уважение к национальным законам; вывести войска и вооружение в Российскую Федерацию.
Как психотерапевты, мы убеждены, что военные действия не ведут к решению проблем и достижению поставленных целей. Наоборот, они ведут к нанесению огромного вреда, разрушений на различных уровнях, включая причинение страданий людям и семьям на соматическом, психическом и психологическом уровнях. Как психотерапевты, мы призываем Правительство Российской Федерации прекратить войну и заключить мирное соглашение
путем применения методов продуманной и уважительной дипломатии.
Мы выражаем надежду на следование высшим принципам человеческой души и от всего сердца желаем выхода из конфликта, ведущего к обретению свободы.


We are all shocked by the Russian attack on Ukraine. Therefore, an intense discussion is taking place on whether the 9th World Congress should be held in Moscow in June 2022, as planned. We know that many Russian colleagues disagree with the Russian leadership. As soon as decisions have been made, it will be published on our homepage.


Wir sind alle über den russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine schockiert. Daher findet eine intensive Diskussion statt, ob der 9. Weltkongress in Moskau im Juni 2022, wie geplant, stattfinden soll. Wir wissen, dass viele russische Kollegen und Kolleginnen mit der russischen Führung nicht einverstanden sind. Sobald Entscheidungen getroffen wurden, werden Sie diese unserer Homepage entnehmen können.


Мы все потрясены нападением России на Украину. Поэтому сейчас идет активная дискуссия о том, стоит ли проводить 9-й Всемирный конгресс в Москве в июне 2022 года,- как это было запланировано. Мы знаем, что многие российские коллеги не согласны с российским руководством. Как только решение будет принято, оно будет опубликовано на нашей странице.


WCP and Facebook

Dear members, colleagues, friends...        

finally we have our own Facebook Account!
With this internet presence we would like to offer you a platform to be brought together,
to interchange, to exchange information and news, to discuss etc.

Please feel free to visit our Facebook site,
to post useful articles or interesting links to your own work, your publications or projects,
look for partners, find like-minded people and a circle of interested practitioners and researchers.

See you there!


Presentation of WCP in Spanish and Portuguese

A presentation of WCP is now available in Spanish and Portuguese.

WCP Presentation Espanol 978,0 KB
WCP Presentation Portugues 677,0 KB

World Certificate for Psychotherapy (WCPC)

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Now you get the opportunity to receive the World Certificate for Psychotherapy (WCPC)

The procedure for the application is as follows:

The World Certificate for Psychotherapie will be awarded to all psychotherapists who have a psychotherapeutic training according to WCP standards. The WCP standards fully correspond to the ECP standards – which means that every ECP holder can apply for the WCPC without any problems. The WCPC will be awarded from 2007 on.

If you think that you fulfill the criteria for the certificate, please let us know that you are interested in the award of the WCPC, by writing an email to headoffice@worldpsyche.org. If you are an ECP holder in good standing the only additional thing you need to do to get the WCPC is to transfer the fee for the award. The fee is Euro 350,-- + shipping and has to be paid free of any charges for the WCP. You will get our bank details by contacting us.

As soon as we receive your fee we will check your status as ECP holder. If everything is OK we will issue the WCPC and send it to you. You then will also be listed in on our homepage (name and country).

Globalized Psychotherapy

Introduction to Globalized Psychotherapy (published in Vienna 2002) features an unique overview of psychotherapy all over the world.

Author: Pritz, Alfred (Hrsg.)
Published by: WUV
City: Wien
Year: 2002
Pages: 600
ISBN: 3850766055


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The World Certificate for Psychotherapy (WCPC) is now available.
Click here for details

YWCP - Youth Section
of the World Council
For Psychotherapy

Introduction to Globalized Psychotherapy (published in Vienna 2002) features an unique overview of psychotherapy all over the world.
Click here for details